Load free terrace water proofing systems

The prime reason for providing waterproofing is to protect the integrity of the roof and the structural components underneath. Water ingress must be prevented to ensure longevity and also to reduce the possibility of long term expensive construction. Often people are ignorant to verify the maximum load bearing capacity of the existing structure and therefore repairs have to be taken up more frequently than required. Demands for reliable waterproofing methods are being constantly felt since traditional methods have not been found satisfactory. Recent advancements in polymer technology in providing load-free seamless waterproofing solutions have been a major breakthrough. Today these systems are being successfully carried out worldwide for its ease of application and time savings (can be completed within 72 hours), superior mechanical strength and bonding characteristics with most surfaces, long lasting along with excellent waterproofing properties.


  • Non-porous, monolithic
  • Negligible weight increase on roof
  • UV-resistant with wide range of colours
  • Excellent adhesion with any substrate be old or new
  • Minimal chances of failure since premixed  formulated
  • polymeric systems are used by trained applicators
  • Excellent appearance because of its seamless finish
  • Fast and easy to apply

Applications areas:





Commercial Buildings

Residential Flat

Futuristic green surfaces.